Doctor of Business Administration

Robert Gordon University

Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, UK
Doctor of Business Administration
Duration3-4 Years
LevelPhD Program
  • The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a professional doctorate which provides a dynamic, research-based view of real world management issues
  • This course is designed to generate new knowledge and understanding which will contribute to enhancing the policies and practices of modern management
  • Students will have the opportunity to blend the latest academic thinking with business knowledge, skills and practice, to enable them to make a significant contribution to the enhancement of professional practice
Fees componentsAmount
Tuition & fees1152131 INR
Hostel & Meals798682 INR
Accommodation fee12170 INR
Trancripts1014 INR
Miscellaneous expense329615 INR
Books and supplies30426 INR
Total1171907 INR

Entry Criteria

ExamsIELTS: 6.5
6.5 in each of the four test components (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking
Additional info
•Applicants must have an MBA or Masters degree in a relevant area of business and management •Minimum of three years business experience •
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