BSc (Hons) Forensic and Analytical Science

Robert Gordon University

Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, UK
BSc (Hons) Forensic and Analytical Science
Duration4 Years
LevelBachelors Program
  • The role of analytical science in forensic investigations is becoming increasingly important due to the major developments in analytical chemistry and advances in molecular biology
  • The skills of the forensic scientist provide crucial scientific evidence which may link a suspect with the scene of the crime, the victim or the weapon
  • students will study courses like Chemistry for Life Sciences, Biology for Life Sciences, Introduction to Crime Scene and Forensic Techniques and Applied Microbiology 
Fees componentsAmount
Tuition & fees1525357 INR
Hostel & Meals387627 INR
Books and supplies35497 INR
Miscellaneous expense133367 INR
Total556491 INR

Entry Criteria

Class 12th60%
  • Students must have passed 12th with one of the following:
    • Year 12 State Board High School Examination with minimum of 60% overall
    • West Bengal State Board Examination with a minimum of 55% overall
  • Subjects required: Chemistry and one further science from Biology/Human Biology, Maths or Physics
ExamsIELTS: 6
  • Minimum score of 5.5 in each component

PTE: 56
  • Minimum score of 51 in each component

Additional info
  • Applicants with 65% or above marks in English in 12th can fulfill english language proficiency requirement
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