Bachelor of Paramedic Science

Central Queensland University

Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia
Bachelor of Paramedic Science
Duration3 Years
LevelBachelors Program
  • Bachelor of Paramedic Science (Specialisation) CQUniversity provides opportunities for those students who wish to become paramedics as well as for practicing paramedics who wish to complete a bachelor degree
  • First year of the program provides foundation knowledge in sciences, human body systems, study and research skills, and paramedic practice
Fees componentsAmount
Tuition & fees1527892 INR
Hostel & Meals650644 INR
Total650644 INR

Entry Criteria

ExamsIELTS: 6.5
6.5 across all band scores
Additional info
•Higher School Certificate (HSC) with an average of 60 percent in four academic subjects from CBSE, CISCE, Maharashtra and other boards •Subject requirements: English, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Science
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